Internet Marketing Blog

Internet Marketing Blog2024-02-08T19:04:52-05:00

Getting Paid Search to Pay Off

The incredible control over targeting your audience and spending on quality clicks that convert to customers in AdWords is, by far, the greatest leap for [...]

Making Business Goals Happen

Business goals are not so different from personal ones.  If you set out to lose weight, you would start with a number.  Let’s say it’s [...]

Go Backwards to Go Forward

Around December each year, we fix our eyes on the coming New Year.  We envision bigger successes, both personal and professional.  We are full of [...]

Digital Marketing Illusions 101

Have you ever thought that there just has to be one thing you could do to propel your business to financial glory?  You are not [...]

Solving Website Embarrassment

Do you lower your gaze and mumble when someone asks if you have a company website? If so, I would guess that it has something [...]

“Tell Me What’s Wrong!”

In the excitement of growing a business, almost all owners sometimes wonder if they should be doing more, and many pour this energy into looking [...]

7 Great Reasons to Start a PPC Campaign

This morning, I was reading my daily dose of email newsletters, when I came across an old, but great article from It neatly summarized [...]

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