Your Team For All Those Little Things That Keep WordPress Running Clean and Safe From Threats

As wonderful as WordPress is, every installation requires a certain level of maintenance done at regular intervals to stave off hackers, software conflicts, site crashes, and other common site disasters. In response to that need, we offer a WordPress Maintenance Package that includes the following:

  1. Any necessary upgrades to WordPress software and plugins
  2. Installation of licensed Backup Software and scheduling of automated of backups
  3. Monthly Website Database Backups
  4. Storage of a Full Website Backup including original images
  5. Evaluation & Processing of Link Exchange Requests for you
  6. Installation and Configuration of automated post comment Spam Filter
  7. Website Content Maintenance limited to page editing, minor CSS work, image replacement typo correction and broken hyperlink repair
  8. Emergency Repairs and Maintenance due to website hacking attacks and self-inflicted breakages
  9. Malware Cleanup (unlimited)
  10. Malware Detection
  11. Website Blacklist Removal (Google)

*Not covered: Significant site enhancements, custom PHP code and site development

Most Sites
$325 per mo, paid monthly
$1770 per yr, paid annually

A Deal You Can’t Pass Up)

Web technology continues to evolve and there is no way you can keep with all the changes in technology and consumer twists. Keeping your website up to date, backed up and secure can be time consuming and very tedious. In addition, it takes you away from what you should be doing, which is building your busines. While there are many reasons to have a WordPress Maintenance Package, these are the Top 5:

  1. The DIY method wastes too much of your time.
  2. You need an EASY way to keep your website current!
  3. First impressions count!
  4. Keeping your site current saves you money in the long run.
  5. Google’s New Mobile-Friendly Ranking Algorithm*

*Google’s new mobile ranking factors will not only label your site as mobile-friendly, but will also use that to determine if your site should rank higher in the search results.

Weigh the Pros and Cons

Does your site look antiquated, uncared for, has links that no longer work, broken images, or is simply too difficult to use (especially on their mobile device)? If you keep your site maintained and updated regularly, there’s less chance of something major going wrong. For a small annual fee (less than $5.00 a day), you can keep your site current, and the WordPress core files and plugins updated. this is cheaper than many companies charge for a single month and is much more economical than facing the cost of needing a new site rebuilt — and the loss of business due to your site being off line for hours, or even days.


What do you consider a small task?

Generally speaking, anything that takes less than approximately 15 minutes to complete. On average, most small tasks take less than 10 minutes to complete. If the work order turns out to be anything other than a “small task” additional charges may apply. (Most sites. Certain situations may vary costs to ensure you get full service). This is to prevent scope creep or abuse of the word “unlimited.”

What if I need to cancel my subscription?
All maintenance packages are never renewed without your permission. That means that you can cancel anytime by simply refusing to renew when asked. We do not believe in ambush billing.

The sooner you get started, the sooner we can get started!

Focus On Your Business While We Focus on Your Website!