By Published On: November 15, 2012Categories: Web Design and Development

Do you lower your gaze and mumble when someone asks if you have a company website? If so, I would guess that it has something to do with the fact that the website was created circa 1997 in basic HTML. Or, perhaps you designed one last month just before you ordered new business cards with a different look or logo. You may still be wondering if the free or low cost drag-and-drop site was the way to go; but, at least you have one, you tell yourself. Some of you may not even know if you have a website. Your “guy” said he was creating it. Where did he go anyway?

Your website is your business just as much as your place of work. It is also your sign-post, your 24-hour salesperson, and your brand. This is where people go to check you out before they make a decision to do business with you. It may be where people actually do business with you. Because of this, it must be professional, easy to navigate, and provide the information the visitor is looking for. Anything short of that provides no benefit to you or your customers.

Despite its importance, a website often gets put on the back burner as what seems to be more pressing business pushes ahead of it on your schedule.  Weeks, months, and even years can go by.  In the meantime, your competitors are sneaking ahead with their slick new Internet presence.  Whether you are in a huge high-rise or simply working out of your garage, your website must be impressive to successfully compete.

Websites are about making a good impression.  When you give someone the URL, your shoulders should be back and your head held high.  You should be as proud of your website as you are of any other piece of advertising that you’ve done.  In fact, your website is the hub of your marketing efforts.  All the other materials should point to it.  Why send people there if it is not the best representation of your company?

Deciding to build or improve a website can be challenging.  There are so many price points and levels of expertise.  You will be best served by a well-rounded company that knows design, programming, and SEO equally well, like, let’s say,  Take your time to find a good webdesigner and digital marketer, or you will end up paying more in the long run.  You should be able to walk away from the new website confident in its appeal as well as how to maintain it going forward.  It should feel like a new suit and freshly shined shoes!